Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas spirit
he donates his Goodwill suit
to Salvation Army

                               --Victor Gendrano

when I am gone
doctors will donate this heart
to someone else
only to find you
deep within the scar tissue

                         --kathy Lippard Cobb

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bobblehead Day
pigeons in the bleachers

pecking seeds

            --Al Fogel

Red Sox Tribute Day
9 Ted Williams
in the next aisle

           --Al Fogel

Sunday, December 19, 2010

from the bunker
a red army advances...
          -- Al Fogel

First Prize  2009 Haiku Army Contest  "the emotional connection with the Red Army and breadcrumbs reaches me on two levels -- an army marches on its belly, and starvation as a weapon of war. The allusion to ants is there also. A well-crafted haiku,  

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here are some interesting Senryu. For those unfamiliar: Senryu is the human nature side of haiku.

moonlit night
my girlfriend and I
holding hand-helds

                --Al Fogel

trendy jeans--
holes in the knees from
garden pruning

              --Al Fogel

looks like a moth
no, a 4-eyed baphomet
Rorschach Test
             --Al Fogel 

Church Service
the dyslexic prays
to his dog
            --Al Fogel

car dashboard--
my plastic Jesus blesses
the plastic flowers
           --Al Fogel

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

watching the moon...long after the honeymoon has passed

                                                --Thomas Lamb

A book can be written about this poignant & memorable haiku--one of the finest one-line haiku ever written. honeymoon: conjuring up images of  initial  love, romance, adventure, faraway places, but no matter how intense, the honeymoon is usually of short duration and passes into other phases and cycles of married or unmarried life--and as it passes you are left with the moon its long celebrated romantic history---an enduring romance in contrast to the "honeymoon romance" which is temporal.The moon: forever welcoming all lovers who watch-- the young, the old, newlyweds, serenading all who feel its pull: inspiration for poets, authors, artists and songwriters.